12 Spring Safety Tips for Pets: Allergies, Cleaning, Garden, & More

A dog and cat in front of a meadow of flowers, representing spring safety tips for pets

After months of short days and cold weather during autumn and winter, it’s time to say hello to longer, warmer days, colorful flowers, and birdsong in the air!

Are you and your pets ready to step into the season of new beginnings? Between spring cleanings, gardening, home repairs, garage sales, and other highlights of this season, here are some key spring safety tips for pets to keep in mind!

1. Spring Allergies Don’t Just Affect People

Did you know that dogs and cats can get spring allergies too? Environmental allergens like pollen, dust mites, and mold spores are abundant during spring—resulting in spring allergies in dogs and cats. Look out for symptoms like itching, sneezing, or watery eyes.

If you suspect that your dog or cat has spring allergies, consult a vet to get started on managing your furry friend’s seasonal allergy.

→ Learn more - Signs Your Pet Has Spring Allergies & What to Do Next

A cat sneezing, representing spring allergies in pets

2. Protect Your Pet from Fleas & Ticks

Fleas are the most active during warmer months, including spring, summer, and early fall. Meanwhile, some species of ticks are active year-round. Since fleas and ticks can lurk in trees, shrubs, and grassy areas, both the warm weather and increased outdoor activities during spring raise the risk of flea/tick infestations in dogs and cats.

Therefore, if you haven’t already, make sure to get your pet started on anti-tick and anti-flea preventives.

→ Learn more - How to Get Rid of Fleas & Ticks on Dogs & Cats [Vet-Approved]

3. Always Double-Check Plants for Pet Safety

Whether you’re planning on getting more indoor plants this spring or introducing new plants to your garden, make sure to check which plants are safe for your pet. Some plants, like lilies and azaleas, are toxic to dogs and cats

Learn more about pet-friendly and toxic plants from our vet-approved guides: 

An example of a pet-friendly plant choice, which is important for pet spring safety

4. Stay on Top of Your Pet’s Heartworm Preventives

Heartworm in dogs and cats is a life-threatening parasitic disease, which is transmitted through mosquito bites. It can lead to severe lung disease, heart failure, and organ damage in dogs and cats

Heartworm is especially dangerous because it often goes undetected until the later stages. Heartworm treatment causes significant strain on a dog’s body—and, in cats, there is NO approved cure.

Heartworm preventives are generally recommended all year round. However, during spring and summer, pet parents are advised to take extra caution since mosquitos tend to be more active, increasing the risk of heartworm infestation.

→Learn more - Heartworm in Dogs & Cats: Cause, Prevention & More

5. Keep Your Pets Safe During Spring Cleaning & Garage Sales

Tis’ the season for spring cleaning and garage sales. As a reminder, these two springtime activities can expose pets to harmful chemicals or fumes, sharp objects, and small items they might swallow. In addition, pets can also escape if the door is unattended and the entire household is preoccupied. 

To keep your dogs and cats safe, place them in a secure, pet-proofed area while doing spring cleaning and/or garage sales. 

Note: Additionally, when doing spring cleaning, use pet-safe cleaning products. AVOID using bleach, chlorine-based cleaners, ammonia-based cleaners, phenol-based cleaners, and certain essential oils (e.g. tea tree oil, eucalyptus, citrus). These can be dangerous to pets if inhaled, especially in enclosed environments.

6. Keep Your Pets Safe During Interior Renovations & Repairs

Interior renovations and repairs can also be stressful and hazardous—with sharp tools, loud noises, toxic fumes, and open spaces that pets might escape through. 

For your dog’s or cat’s safety, we highly recommend placing them in a safe, pet-proofed area that is unaffected by the noise and fumes during renovation. If there is no safe place within the house, consider pet boarding while repairs are ongoing.

Explore these exciting pet boarding options in Denver, Chicago, & Colorado Springs:

A cat staying in a pet boarding, one of the pet spring safety tips for renovations

7. Be Mindful of Open Windows and Cracked Fences

As the weather warms up, most houses open their windows to welcome the refreshing spring breeze. As a spring safety tip for pets, make sure to double-check that windows are fitted with secure screens—with no gaps. This prevents accidental pet escapes, especially in houses with low windows, larger dogs, or nimble cats.

In addition, the cold winter weather and moisture may have taken a toll on your fences, leaving behind cracks or gaps. If you rely on your fence to prevent your dog from escaping, make sure to check and repair any cracks or gaps promptly.

8. Prepare for Patio Season with Updated Vaccines

Spring commences the start of “patio season.” If you’re planning on bringing your pet to a pet-friendly patio, make sure that they are protected from any common transmissible diseases

If you haven’t already, ask your vet regarding which dog vaccines (or cat vaccines) your furry friend is due for. As a bonus, up-to-date vaccines also protect your pet in case they need to stay in pet boarding or pet daycare.

Learn more from our guides:

A dog brought to Sploot Vets for dog vaccine updates, part of ensuring spring safety for pets

9. Secure Your Easter Treats  

Easter treats may be fun for humans, but they can be dangerous for pets. Chocolate contains theobromine, which is toxic to both dogs and cats. In addition, sugar-free candies and gum often contain xylitol, a sweetener that can cause severe drops in blood sugar and liver failure in dogs. 

Lastly, even decorative Easter grass and plastic eggs pose choking hazards if swallowed by pets. To keep pets safe, store all Easter treats out of reach. 

10. Prepare for Seasonal Shedding

As the weather warms up, many pets start shedding their winter coats. A balanced diet with omega-3 for dogs or omega-3 for cats can support healthy skin and coat during this time. 

In addition, regular brushing helps reduce loose fur and prevent matting. Some pets may also benefit from a refreshing bath using a gentle, pet-friendly oatmeal shampoo, like the ones featured here:: 

11. Get Your Pet Started on Their Fitness Journey

Have the cold winter months left your dog or cat sluggish and with excess weight? If so, spring is a great time to get your pet started on a fitness or weight loss journey. By acting early, you can protect your pet from various health complications that come with excess weight.

If you think that your dog or cat is overweight, schedule a wellness exam to get a personalized weight management plan for them. For additional information, here are some of our guides on gentle but effective weight loss tips for pets:

A cat beside a weighing scale, representing maintaining a healthy weight which is part of ensuring pet spring safety

12. Watch Out for Dehydration or Heatstroke in Dogs & Cats

As the weather begins to warm up again, some pets can become at risk of dehydration and heatstroke. Always provide water, shade, and avoid peak heat. The best times to go outside and avoid peak heat are either early morning or later in the evening. In addition, NEVER leave pets in hot cars. 

Watch for the signs of heatstroke in pets, which signal the need for urgent vet care

  • Excessive panting (especially in cats who do not normally pant at all—this can be a sign of severe dehydration)
  • Drooling & vomiting
  • Lethargy
  • Collapse

Final Thoughts on Pet Tips for Spring

This wraps up our pet tips for spring. We trust that you found this guide helpful! As a final reminder, staying on top of your pet’s preventive care is the key to long-term health, for all seasons.

Get All-in-One Veterinary Care at Sploot Vets!

If you have further questions about your dog’s or cat’s health, we’re here for you! Sploot Veterinary Care offers all-in-one veterinary care, encompassing primary, urgent, or emergency vet services

Visit any one of our Fear Free vet clinics in Denver and Chicago, offering next-level, stress-free vet care that you can count on 365 days a year!

Book an appointment online or call us for urgent concerns. Till next time we’re with you every pounce of the way!