Emergency Vet in Chicago

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Call to speak with a medical professional.

Sploot Vets is a trusted vet clinic that offers comprehensive care, encompassing emergency vet services in Chicago. We offer top-notch care for pet emergency cases like accidents, injuries, poisoning, and other sudden concerning symptoms. 

With our skilled veterinarians and fully-equipped vet clinics, we are ready to deliver reliable emergency vet services in Chicago, 365 days a year.

A medicine and a thermometer cartoon illustration
Open 8am-8pm, 365 days a year... same day appointments and urgent drop-offs welcome!
Primary and urgent care, under one roof.
Easily book online or text us.
Modern, warm clinics with unlimited free treats.
Open 8am-8pm, 365 days a year... same day appointments and urgent drop-offs welcome!
Primary and urgent care, under one roof.
Easily book online or text us.
Modern, warm clinics with unlimited free treats.

Immediate Care for Chicago Pet Emergencies

Unsure if your dog or cat requires emergency veterinary care? Need guidance on safely transporting your pet to our emergency clinics in Chicago?

A confused dachshund dog illustration sitting

Our Emergency Vet Care Hotline is here to help

Our expert team is committed to guiding you through your pet's emergency health needs, ensuring both your peace of mind and your pet's well-being. With Sploot's dedicated assistance, you can trust us to handle your pet's emergencies. If, for any reason, we're unable to assist, we'll quickly direct you to one of our trusted partners in Chicago.

Emergency Veterinary Clinic Services for Pet Parents in Chicago

Our vet clinics in Chicago are well-equipped to deliver prompt emergency vet services, handling over 95% of emergency cases brought to ER vets. We handle a wide variety of pet emergencies in our Chicago vet clinics, including (but not limited to) the following:

Accidental ingestion & toxin ingestion
Persistent or large-volume diarrhea & vomiting
Choking & coughing
Car accidents
Cuts, scrapes, & burns
Eye problems
Sudden lethargy or collapse
Sudden abdominal bloating
Severe constipation
Blood in urine
Emergency spleen removal
Emergency C section

For all the symptoms listed above, and any similar concerns, our trained and experienced veterinarians are here to treat and stabilize your pet's emergency condition as well as advise you on the best next steps for treatment—whether that involves ongoing care at home or in-clinic.


It may be challenging to know if a symptom, injury, or unusual pet behavior requires an emergency visit. We provide complimentary customer support from 8am - 8pm, 7 days a week.
Call our tele-triage line with your concerns, and we’ll guide you through the next steps.

What Sets Our Emergency Pet Care Apart

Availability 365 Days a Year

We are open 7 days a week, 365 days a year, with extended clinic hours. This allows us to be there when you need us most.

Urgent Drop-Offs Available

Our emergency vet services are easily accessible, even on busy days. Just call our team and we will let you know if and when you can drop off your pet at one of our vet clinics. Your fur baby will get the care they need, the moment they arrive — and we’ll keep you looped in via text or call.

Spacious, Well-Equipped Emergency Vet Care Facilities

Say goodbye to cramped exam tables and hectic treatment rooms. We offer spacious, well-equipped facilities that offer comfort even for larger fur babies while also ensuring our veterinarians are able to do their best work.

Emergency Case Prioritization

Our veterinarians and our emergency support team ensure that emergency cases get immediate prioritization. We invest in the right people and systems to keep our clinics operating seamlessly.

Connections & Partnerships

Our network of vet clinics in Chicago makes us easily accessible from various locations. And though 95% of pet emergencies can be treated in our clinics, we also partner with specialist veterinarians and animal hospitals, ensuring a broader scope of care.

Urgent Care Tailored to Your Furry Friend

Bringing Your Pet to Sploot for Pet Urgent Care

Two options, same high quality of care. If you’re bringing your dog or cat to our urgent pet care clinic, we accept both walk-ins (depending on availability) and urgent intakes (drop-offs)

A male vet looking at a dog for pet urgent care
Urgent Cases: Call Ahead for Efficient Care

We welcome walk-ins for pet urgent care, but as this depends on availability we recommend calling ahead

  • Be Received Immediately:  Calling ahead allows us to prepare so that we can accommodate your pet as soon as you arrive.
  • Save Time: Due to varying demands at our clinics, some may have longer wait times. A quick call enables us to direct you to a clinic with the shortest wait time, ensuring prompt attention to your pet.
  • Specialist Matching:  While all Sploot clinics are fully equipped for emergencies, some pet urgent care cases may require specialized care. By calling in advance, we can guide you to the clinic with the right specialist for your pet's specific needs.
Sploot's Urgent Intake: Immediate Care, Even on Busy Days

At Sploot, we understand that emergencies are unpredictable and often occur at the most inconvenient times. That's why we offer an Urgent Intake (drop-off) service, designed to provide immediate, expert care for your pet during urgent situations.

  • Quick and Secure Drop-Off: In an urgent case or emergency, call us and bring your pet to our clinic. We ensure a swift and safe drop-off, immediately prioritizing your pet's needs from the moment you arrive.
  • Thorough and Prompt Expert Assessment: Upon arrival, our medical team conducts a comprehensive evaluation to understand and prioritize your pet's condition, guiding our immediate care approach.
  • Comprehensive Care and Communication: We provide continuous medical supervision for your pet's safety and comfort. Expect regular updates and involvement in every decision, from assessment to treatment. When your pet is ready, we'll inform you and offer concise aftercare instructions for a seamless homecoming.
Urgent Care Tailored to Your Furry Friend

Getting Emergency Vet Services for Your Pet

We offer two options for getting prompt emergency vet services for your dog or cat: same-day emergency appointments and urgent drop-off appointments.

Option 1: Same-Day Emergency Appointments

Get emergency vet care for your pet by calling ahead and coming in for a prioritized appointment:

  • Ensure immediate care: A heads-up allows us to prepare and attend to your pet as soon as you arrive.
  • Minimize wait time: Clinic demands can vary, affecting wait times. A quick call helps us direct you to the least busy clinic, ensuring your pet gets the swiftest care possible.
  • Specialist matching: While all Sploot vet clinics handle pet emergencies, certain cases may benefit from specialized expertise. Contact us in advance, and we'll direct you to the clinic with the appropriate specialist for your pet's needs.
Option 2: Urgent Drop-Off

If you are not able to be with your pet throughout the entire treatment process, you can opt for urgent drop-off emergency vet services, ideal for busy days.

  • Quick and Secure Drop-Off: When faced with pet emergencies, give us a call to find out which clinic can accommodate your dog or cat. We ensure a fast and safe drop-off, followed by timely care for your pet.
  • Expert Evaluation: Upon arrival, our medical team will assess your pet to determine the necessary treatment or stabilization.
  • Ongoing Care: Your pet’s well-being is our top priority. We ensure that they get continuous medical supervision and attentive care throughout their stay.
  • Open Communication: Stay updated on important developments. Our team will regularly call or send text updates to keep you informed on your pet’s status and treatment progress.
  • Involvement in Care: Our veterinarians will discuss treatment options with you as needed, ensuring you're a part of decisions related to your pet’s care.
  • Convenient Pick-Up: Our team will promptly notify you when your dog or cat is ready to go home. We will also provide thorough guidance on any necessary follow-up care.


All Under
One Roof

From wellness exams to emergency care, all your pet’s needs in one place.

Vet Care

Sploot offers state-of-the-art care and innovative practices—vet care of tomorrow, today.

Vet Care
When You Need It

Same or next day appointments, open 8am - 8pm, Every. Single. Day.

Exceptional Pet &
Parent Experience

Book your way & text with vets for personalized care, plus enjoy transparent pricing & concierge support.

Bring Your Pet to Sploot for an Emergency Visit


Is there a difference between pet urgent care and emergency care?

Urgent pet care addresses non-life-threatening issues needing prompt attention, while emergency vet services are for critical, time-sensitive situations like severe trauma or anaphylaxis.At Sploot, we provide both urgent pet care and emergency vet services. We are equipped to handle more than 95% of cases brought to vet ERs. Contact our Emergency Vet Care Hotline for more information on our emergency vet services.

How do I know if my pet needs emergency vet care?

Sudden symptoms, signs of pain, accidents, or toxin ingestion likely indicate a need for emergency vet care. Call our Emergency Vet Care Hotline for further guidance.  

What happens during an emergency visit at Sploot?

After bringing your pet to Sploot Vets for emergency care, your pet will undergo triage, a medical exam, diagnostic tests, and treatment. We manage pain and stabilize your pet before referring to specialist vets when needed.

Make sure to call our Emergency Vet Care Hotline for emergency vet services; online bookings aren't available or recommended for pet emergencies.

Should I call in advance for an emergency vet appointment?

Yes, please call ahead for a quick assessment of your pet's condition; we will also guide you to the right clinic for immediate care upon arrival.

What is Drop-Off Emergency Care at Sploot?

Our Urgent Drop-Off service is designed for pets requiring immediate veterinary attention, offering a secure setting with continuous medical oversight.

Once you bring your pet to Sploot, our team performs comprehensive evaluations to identify and address your pet's needs, devising a tailored treatment plan.

During your pet's time with us, we provide frequent updates and photos, keeping you informed and involved in the decision-making process regarding your pet’s care.

How long does an emergency visit take?

The duration of emergency vet services depends on your pet's condition and treatment needs.

What should I bring with me to my pet's emergency visit?

For current Sploot clients, we already have your pet’s medical records. There's no need for you to bring anything.

If your pet is new to Sploot, it's helpful to bring their medical records if available; however, it's not mandatory for us to provide emergency vet services for your pet.

Will my pet need to stay overnight after an emergency visit?

Overnight stays depend on your pet's condition. Severe cases needing overnight care will be transferred to an emergency hospital.

What should I do if my pet's condition worsens after an emergency visit?

Sploot’s Emergency Vet Care Hotline is here to support you before and after your visit. Contact us if you have any concerns about your pet's condition after an emergency visit. Our team will guide you on the best course of action.

Is diarrhea or vomiting an emergency vet care case?

In some cases, diarrhea or vomiting can be considered a pet emergency — such as cases wherein the dog or cat has…

• been experiencing diarrhea or vomiting for an extended time (more than 12 hours)

• shown other concerning symptoms like weakness, collapse, and fever

• recently eaten a toxic substance or food.

Is fever an emergency case?

For dogs and cats, a fever is anything above their normal body temperature range: 99.5 to 102.5º F.

Whether or not a fever is a pet emergency depends on its cause (e.g. bacterial infection, viral infection, heat stroke, poisoning). When in doubt, consult a veterinarian.

What do I do if I suspect my pet has eaten a toxic substance?

Time is crucial when dealing with pet emergencies involving poisoning. If your dog or cat  has consumed caffeine, chocolate, xylitol (a type of artificial sweetener), marijuana, rat poison, or antifreeze, seek urgent help.

Contact the Pet Poison Helpline or ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center for guidance.

Additionally, if you suspect poisoning in your pet, we recommend reaching out to Sploot for immediate emergency vet care. In poison cases, time is of the essence, and inducing vomiting promptly can be crucial.

What payment options are available in Sploot Vets?

We accept cashless payments, major credit/debit cards, CareCredit, and ScratchPay. This allows us to ensure utmost safety in our clinics, for both our staff and our clients.

Does Sploot Veterinary Care accept pet insurance?

Yes, we accept pet insurance. If  your pet’s treatment is within the scope of your pet’s insurance plan, you will be able to seek reimbursement from your insurance provider.

Reach out to your insurance provider to know what’s covered in your insurance plan..

A cute dog illustration in the splooting position

Got Questions?We’re Here for You

Whether you’d like to learn more about next steps, first aid, or just to check if your pet needs to see us, feel free to call or text!

Text Us